
The Electronic Jug Band

Version 3 of the EMMMA-K will be demonstrated at Maker Faire Rome 2023 from October 20 to 22 as part of an exhibit titled "The Electronic Jug Band”. More information here Electronic Jug Band.


Dedicated to the Exciting World of Hobby Electronics

I became a Maker around the age of ten when my parents gave me an electronics experimenter kit for my birthday to try and prevent me from taking things apart. Ultimately I became an embedded software and electronics designer and entrepreneur. Now on permanent sabbatical I am actively participating in the Maker Movement with one of my goals to pass on the benefit of some of my years of experience. But I am also learning lots of new things that I never had time for before now.

Projects in 2022 and first half of 2023

The first half of 2022 was a slow start for me as far as my own projects are concerned because I worked on an embedded software development contract for a local tech firm which inspite of my plans to work part time took all of my time. I did manage to accomplish a few things in the latter part of the year with the most interesting being a tree decorated with 500 RGB LED lights synchronized to CheerLights and just in time for the holiday season! In the beginning of 2023 I experimented with making PCBs using a resin printer and then started on version 3 of my EMMMA-K electronic music keyboard which was completed in August, 2023. I will be demonstrating it and the technology that enables it at Maker Faire Rome 2023.

Maker Faires

The EMMMA-K will be demonstrated at Maker Faire Rome 2023 from October 20 to 22 as part of an exhibit titled "The Electronic Jug Band".

These are my previous Maker Faire Presentations:
Maker Faire 2018
Maker Faire 2019
Maker Faire Rome 2019
Virtually Maker Faire 2020
Maker Faire Rome 2020
Maker Faire Rome Learn Festival 2021